Higher Self Reading

An Intuitive Reading with Peyton


$77.00 per person



About this experience

Unlock limiting beliefs and step into your highest alignment, soverignty, and soul path in this reading via phone call.. in preparing for this reading, you can ask yourself & journal questions like... What are ways that I'm feeling blocked emotionally, physically, spiritually in my life? What does my dream life look like? Is it easy for me to imagine my dream life? What am I grateful for? What are your top 5 life priorities and/or values? 

During this reading we will look into the inner workings of what you need to know in order to move with clarity in your life. This reading is led by your own intuition, meaning that I will never tell you what your truth is.

Peyton can free channel and/or use tarot and oracle cards, if the reader has a preferance you can let her know as you begin. Peyton will guide you through what is being received and together we will come to find the information that resonates with you. My readings bring great reassurance, truth, and peace to those that are open to the message.

Where: Remote via phone call. When you register please leave your phone number so Peyton can contact you directly. 

Costs*:  45 min - $77

Bring: An open heart and be sure to arrive to call 10 minutes early to take a moment to reflect before your reading

Nourish yourself to Nourish Others.  Through your purchase of this event and products you are nourishing others by purchasing with purpose. A portion of proceeds from this event are being donated to RegenrusCARES™ our 501(c)(3) non profit benefiting people, animals and our planet.

Your Host

Host image

Peyton Overton Is an amazing Yoga Instructor, Tarot/Oracle reader, & Artist. Peyton offers yoga classes that invite you to embody your dream life. By moving energy and emotions with intention, you can create a window to move out of stuck feelings and into your higher self!
Her readings and artwork serve a similar purpose.
Her specialty in the readings that she gives, is to find points of information that need to be brought forth. With this information you can then pave a pathway to alignment, confidence, and clarity.
Her transformative custom paintings are beautiful pieces of energy work to remind each person of the version of themselves they desire to incorporate, embody, and become.
Peyton sees herself as a guide and supporter that can help to actualize your dream life.