Our Regenrus Journey continues to expand and evolve with all the infinite possibilities that make up our mission, vision and purpose. As the founder of Regenrus and Chief Culture Officer, I’m all about authenticity, transparency, integrity and building trust with all those who choose to join our evolution. Therefore, I felt it important for you to fully understand the story behind the birth of Regenrus and our mission and purpose. Regenrus was founded in August of 2017 and in less than 2 years we have experienced many joyful blessings as our products are significantly improving quality of life all while making a profound social impact that we can all be proud of. We’ve also experienced challenges and lessons learned that we must also embrace and be thankful. We want to share what worked, didn’t work and what was missing along the way hoping to help other entrepreneurs succeed through our experiences. As you know, learning experiences are most important to building a strong foundation for which Regenrus can successfully grow from.
So, what’s the 411 and the scoop? I was 59 in late 2016 and the first half of 2017 when a business venture I was embarking on didn’t transpire. In June of 2017, I learned that I was going to be a grandmother in Jan 2018 for the first time at the age of 60. I realized then and there that life would never be the same. I want only the very best for my new grandchild Rowen and began wondering what the future would be like for him and all my future grandchildren.
So, In August 2017, I was privileged enough to attend a Harvard Business Class; Leading Emerging High Growth Businesses with my BFF Becky Pfundheller. We’re both Women Entrepreneurs, Becky as the owner of a multi-million dollar leading Analytical 3rd Party QA Lab of 25 years; and I as the owner of an award-winning multimillion-dollar Marketing & Technology company founded with my sons in 2008. We were discussing the future of business during one of the classes and my mind drifted off. I made the conscious decision not to proceed with the exercise the class was doing, feeling instead compelled to draw the vision of what I believed a future business should look like based on my 43 years of business experience. That vision became Regenrus and it was then that my passion and dream was born to bring an Integrated Health and Wellness, Social Impact Business to the world, a business that was truly Good for the World.
I am blessed to be surrounded by an inspiring creative tribe of heart centered people who all felt called to make a difference in our world together. I call them my angels as their knowledge and background experience is phenomenal, perfect for Regenrus. They have loved and are supporting me and my vision unconditionally. They continue to encourage me to follow the dream that I was called to do, for which I will be forever grateful for. Without their love and support from the very beginning Regenrus would not have ever been possible. Below are my initial Angels some of which are investors in Regenrus, among others who will remain anonymous raising over 400K in our first round of funding:
- My husband Phil, our son Jason and husband Travis, our son Erik and wife Tiffany and our adopted son Jaimy.
- My family to include my sister Brenda (Co-founder) and brother in law Jim Raley, niece Jessica and husband Brian Alexander, my mother Rusty and my sister Tami.
- My dearest friends and Founding Leaders Glenn and Marian Head, Donna and Joe Koontz, Kimberly Eisendrath, Emmett McGregor, Shelli and Keith Howlett, Jason Rosen, Founding Advisors and Board Members Becky Pfundheller, Carolyn Corporon, Debbie Rosen and Founding Partner Carol Montgomery. Many of these beautiful people are investors in Regenrus among others where we raised 400K.
- Our customers and affiliates who continue to purchase our products and share our products to help us make an even greater social impact and our trusted advisors who help us navigate the journey.
- The entire GSATi family, our marketing and technology firm, have supported Regenrus from design, marketing, social media, business strategy, systems and web development, infrastructure and love.
- Our cGMP manufacturing partners Empirical Labs, Chae Organics, our Ingredient Suppliers Mannarelief Ministries and Essentia Dalmatica along with our 3rd Party QA Lab Analytical Food Lab (AFL) and Colorado Fulfillment Company (CFC) Logistics.
- There are countless other kind hearted souls, too many to name so please know I am grateful to all of you who helped me bring Regenrus to life.
While brainstorming company strategy, we focused on our collective vision as to WHY a company that I was called to lead should exist in this world. Together we mindfully began to choose a name that embodies that vision. A name to reflect what we wanted people to feel when they experience our brand. During this process much was discussed however two powerful words resonated with all and we knew from the beginning they were designed to be synergistic in everything we stood for.
- “Regen” meaning “Regenerative”; a renewal or rejuvenation of the body (people/animal) or biological system (planet) in order to be revitalized and restored to a better quality or higher state than what it was before.
- “genrus” meaning “Generous”; willing to give help or support more than what is usual or expected as it relates to all people, animals and our planet. We wanted to RISE together through Regenrus social sharing business model. Business to consumer, business to business, and business and consumers to non-profits and social causes to take care of those less fortunate. Aligning our hearts together for Work. Life. Purpose!
Every day since our company’s humble beginning we have been focusing on how best to manifest our vision to create an Integrative Health and Wellness Benefit Company leveraging an inspired Social Impact Community who are compelled to engage and share our mission, purpose and Mindful Marketplace with others. So, what does all that mean?
- Integrated Health and Wellness is all encompassing of our physical, mental, financial and spiritual state of well-being to allow us to live our most vibrant lives yet.
- Social Impact Community is finding and attracting to our tribe like-minded socially conscious people who want to make a difference in their own health and well-being and those they love and care for. Knowing it is up to them to educate and embrace a healthy life style by becoming their own advocate. Investing in their health and well-being while being the change we want to see in our world. Our community includes Customers, Entrepreneurs (Affiliates), Practitioners, Educators, Executive Leaders. A tribe who are awakened inside committed to sharing Regenrus so we together can do more for the Good of the Whole as it relates to People, Animals and our Planet.
- Mindful Marketplace embraces mindfulness as it relates to the regenerative Regenrus and 3rd party products and services that must all provide a Social Impact give back as part of the transaction. We will accomplish this through leveraging our Regenrus business platform. This ensures we market exceptional products but also allow for significant generosity in supporting numerous social causes with every single transaction.
Regenrus’ culture promises to care for the Good of the Whole, our Ohana, our global family. To be inclusive, collaborative, authentic and transparent in all that we do. Each of us being personally accountable and responsible to ensure everything we do is fully aligned with living our most vibrant lives yet while fully embodied in our values, mission and purpose.
Now that you know some of our brief history through January 2018 what’s next? We will talk about successes and challenges that got us to where we are. We embody four company pillars to include Synergy, Fearlessness, Balance and Awareness. For the next blog post we will focus on “Synergy” first as it plays such a vital and critical role in all that we do to fully manifest and integrate our Social Business Model to include Products, Education, Community and our Mindful Marketplace.
It is important to remember to celebrate. We will be 2 years young in Aug 2019. Regenrus is now like a toddler, taking risks yet being cautious to protect the brand as we are settling in for the long term. We look to embrace change by being agile and flexible knowing it truly takes a village of caring people to raise Regenrus to be extremely successful. We have new angels who have joined our evolution and social community who have incredible work life experience to help us grow. We all share in common energetics, innovation and servants’ heart for a better world. We are proud to be able to introduce them to you in our upcoming blog posts under work.life.purpose. It is all about synergy, we know we may not attract everyone however we will attract the right people who all love rising together. We invite you to learn more about Regenrus to align your work, life and purpose in all that you do. We are proud to share Love Lives Here!