Meet Carol
Green Means Healthy
I am located in Knoxville, Tennessee. My business Green Village Green is also located in Knoxville, We need our beautiful world but it doesn’t need us. We have been rapidly messing up our habitat for years. Green Village Green seeks to inspire people who are not yet green to live more healthily and gently on the planet.
Carol Montgomery, Founder
Green Village Green

My Beginnings

Growing up in Britain, with a large vegetable garden and parents who composted and recycled everything they could lay their hands on, potted acorns and then planted their little oak trees wherever they could, (long before anyone knew what a carbon footprint was), I couldn’t help but be passionate about our beautiful planet.
An M.A. from Manchester University led to 14 years as an art teacher. I have been a potter in the UK, a PE teacher in Bangladesh (don’t ask!), and an art teacher and successful watercolor artist in the Sultanate of Oman (where I met my Tennessean husband), and I’ve spent 10 years as a natural wellness consultant in Washington DC.

My Work

Now in East Tennessee my entrepreneurial streak has taken wing. Green Village Green LLC was born in 2007, after an unexpected “Beam me up, Scotty” download. Its purpose is to inspire folk to take one successful sustainable step, then another to live a cleaner, greener life, often saving money in the process … and to promote businesses that offer sustainable products and services.

Thankful to all the speakers, student volunteers and exhibitors who made our 1st Green Village Green Home Summit a Success!

The first Green Village Green Home Summit in 2016, and the second last year, included classes taught by panels of experts on various sustainable topics, such as energy efficiency, growing your own food, getting chemical pollution out of your home; and a trade show of personally invited businesses. 2019’s Summit had 11 classes and 40 tables, each from a different green category. The keynote speaker was an inspiring friend from Australia - look up his website to see several creative solutions to global problems.
Recently I embarked on a book, Go Green Gently, including stories and a checklist of simple steps to check off to make your home healthier. Healthy is the same as green! The goal is to remove chemicals from our home and workplace atmosphere, thereby helping Earth and people to be healthier. The chapters will include clean, air, water, food and energy.

There are several companies I believe are exceptional, and that I promote as an affiliate, including, of course, Regenrus which is near and dear to my heart. I trust and use all the Regenrus wellness and skincare products knowing they are all good for me and support my health and wellness. My team are mostly wonderful healers & include members of the Regenrus Core Team. I am so very proud of them. Cindy has visited Knoxville several times and is an amazingly supportive leader. Everyone who meets her loves her.
A new Knoxville company,, has been added to the list. They produce a completely toxin free disinfectant/sanitizer which can protect everything from individual homes to large event centers, factories to schools, from the worst viruses and bacteria; and they are here in the US in my hometown of Knoxville! Salt and water is reformed to make hypochlorous acid, which occurs naturally in the human body. How delightful to meet with no need for masks or distancing! Another use of hypochlorous acid, this time as a cell signaling molecule, is the product of ASEA, and I’m also a distributor for Multipure water filters.
My Family

I love my family (here and in New Zealand), my friends and my animals, which included the late lawn-mowing sheep, Seamus and Finnegan, my home in the Yorkshire Dales, interesting old buildings, natural beauty of every kind, and life in general. What do I like to do in my free time? (What free time?) Making things, gardening, hiking when it’s not too hot, and, pre-pandemic, going to the theater, music, traveling, learning, exploring.

Here in Knoxville I am part way through creating a permaculture garden and a dwarf orchard - I had to cut down several trees which were in the way of my solar panels. I drive an electric Smart Car. I have a wonderful whole house water filter, high efficiency mini splits heating and cooling my attic office, amongst other sustainable upgrades. There is too much front lawn, so an area of black plastic is hopefully solarizing (killing) grass roots so I can seed a wildflower garden.
How did your Purpose lead you to Regenrus?

I met Regenrus founder, Cindy Tysinger in 2009 when she took over the Green Village Green website. She & her family have become very dear friends: they have absorbed me into the Tysinger family! In 2017 Cindy told me her plans for Regenrus, I was instantly hooked! Pure, effective, products to give back to ‘People, Animals, and Planet’ made a lot of sense to me. Cindy is an impressive business woman and a loyal friend. I trust her and her integrity implicitly. It has been a wonderful ride and excited for the future.

I love this beautiful Earth of ours: it’s the only home planet we’ve got. If we humans would like our children and grandchildren to continue living here it is up to us to do something NOW. I am completely aligned with Regenrus as a Founding Partner & committed to their mission of People, Animals & Planet before Profit!

Sir David Attenborough has been my hero for as long as I can remember and has a solution for us all. “During his lifetime, Sir David Attenborough has seen first-hand the monumental scale of environmental change caused by human actions.
Now for the first time, he reflects on the devastating changes he’s witnessed and reveals how together we can address the biggest challenges facing life on our planet. “Produced by Silverback Films and WWF, David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet shares Sir David Attenborough’s greatest story yet – his witness statement for the natural world and vision for the future. for more information
I can be reached on my cell: 865.755.2464, or by email: My website is and is in need of an update!